- 行业研究(新能源、智能网联和ESG)
Industry Research (Renewable energy, Intelligent connectivity, and ESG)
专业咨询 Professional Consulting
- 投资咨询(项目可行性研究、技术评估和数据分析)
Investment Consulting (Project feasibility studies, Technical assessments, and Data analysis)
- 定制培训(新能源:光伏,储能,氢能,电动汽车;人工智能:智能网联汽车,智慧交通、光-储-充”智慧能源、智能家居与物联网)
Customized Training (Renewable Energy: Photovoltaics, Energy storage, Hydrogen, and Electric vehicles; Artificial Intelligence: Intelligent connected vehicles, Smart transportation, “Light-Storage-Charging” smart energy, Smart home, and Internet of things)
研修游学 Study Tours
- 研修(面向企业家和创新创业者的主题考察和交流活动)
Research Programs (Thematic visits and exchange activities for entrepreneurs and innovators
- 游学(面向青少年的定制化的科技、文化国际游学项目)
Study Tours (Customized international technology and cultural study programs for teenagers)
商务拓展 Business Development
- 专业会展、活动的策划与对接服务
Planning and coordination services for professional exhibitions and events
- 科技、投资项目的考察和评估服务;
Investigation and evaluation services for technology and investment projects
- 顶级高校前沿技术交流与合作服务
Services for communication and collaboration on cutting-edge technologies with top universities
- 高科技创新创业项目投资路演服务
Investment roadshow services for high-tech innovation and entrepreneurship projects
IT系统 IT Systems
- 监控与运营平台系统开发(纯电动汽车及充换电站/充电桩;氢能与燃料电池汽车及制氢/加氢站;光伏发电及大规模储能站)
Development of monitoring and operation platform systems (for pure electric vehicles and charging/ swapping stations; hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen production/refuelling stations; photovoltaic power generation and large-scale energy storage stations)
- 智能管理系统开发与优化(电动客车/物流车运营调度管理系统;智慧家庭能源管理系统HEMS;eVTOL电氢混合动力系统)
Development and optimization of intelligent management systems (for electric bus/logistics vehicle operation scheduling management systems; Smart Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS); eVTOL electric-hydrogen hybrid systems)
- 专业推广视频、图像、文字资料的定制策划与运维
Custom planning and operation for professional promotional videos, images, and written materials
机电产品贸易 Trade in Electromechanical Products
- 产品代理(移动电源、氢能自行车、家用/工商业储能产品和电动汽车及其零配件、纯电动客车、物流车,氢能重卡、客车等)
Product Agency (Mobile Power Banks, Hydrogen-powered Bicycles, Household/Commercial Energy Storage Products, Electric Vehicles and Their Parts, Pure Electric Buses, Logistics Vehicles, Hydrogen Fuel Cell Heavy Trucks, Buses, etc.)
- 贸易服务(经贸政策、标准规范服务;产品检测、认证代理服务)
Trade Services (economic and trade policy, standard compliance services; product testing and certified agency services)
关于创始人 About the Founder
创始人:William Chen;拥有20年新能源、智能网联和汽车等行业经验;曾参与过基于云计算的大数据中心、电动汽车商业化运营、氢能车辆与基础设施规划、标准和运营、智能网联汽车测试与开发、智慧交通和“光-储-充”智慧能源规划、人工智能项目投资与会展等多个大型项目。
Mr. William Chen possesses 20 years of experience in the renewable energy, intelligent connectivity, and automotive industries. He has participated in various large-scale projects, including cloud-based big data centers, commercialization of electric vehicles, planning for hydrogen vehicles and infrastructure, standards and operations, testing and development of intelligent connected vehicles, smart transportation, “Light-Storage-Charging” smart energy planning, and investments in artificial intelligence projects and exhibitions.